PRD Southport 100/133 Scarborough Street, Southport, QLD 4215 07 5526 4442
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Bill Comparison & Connections

Claim your $20 Uber or Uber Eats voucher when you connect your utilities with PRD Smarter Connect.

PRD Smarter Connect offer a free connection service to Australian Consumers. Our team is 100% Australian Owned & Operated and we are dedicated to take the hassle out of connecting services to your new home.

  • 100% free service.
  • We could potentially save you hundreds of $$ when you compare.
  • No messy paperwork.
  • We do the legwork for you.
  • 100% Australian Owned & Operated.
  • We make moving & connecting simple!
  • We care about your privacy and your data is not 'onsold' to third parties.

To compare your electricity bill and see how much you can save, click the link below:

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