Upper Hunter 02 6547 1035
Denman | Muswellbrook
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"Zoe was excellent to deal with, she wasn’t just about the sale, she took her time and did what was right for both us and the vendors. Every thing we asked of her she delivered. Even answering the little questions on her days off. Highly recommended!"

- Vian J (Buyer) Buy Smarter Now

PRD Upper Hunter is a customer-focused real estate agency that brings the right people together for the best results. We have a strong understanding of the local market, extensive knowledge of what buyers and vendors need and a passion to see our community flourish through our Sell and Buy Smarter attitude.

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At PRD, we understand that there is no substitute for the knowledge, experience, and commitment of our team. To 'Sell Smarter' is not just one of our philosophies it is also a clear strategy we continually put into practice.

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