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PRD Changes In 2020

PRD Changes In 2020

PRD moves forward on strategic business changes with a clear focus on growth for the future… 

As of February 2020 and after 8 years as Chairman and Managing Director of PRD, Tony Brasier has passed the role of Managing Director to Todd Hadley. Tony will retain his position as Chairman, with the change providing a great opportunity to strengthen PRD’s competitive market position. 

Todd Hadley in the role of Managing Director cements his firm focus on leading PRD forward in day-to-day operations and Tony Brasier, as Chairman remains focused on providing strategy and growth support to PRD and its wider franchise network. Todd’s 13 years’ experience and stakeholder relations is an integral part in driving the business forward into the future.

“I am thrilled to take over the leadership of PRD and continue to execute the strategic direction we have defined. It is a privilege to work with such a dedicated and passionate team.

Our focus will be on improvement across all parts of our business and continued focus on growth.

A number of new initiatives will be delivered throughout 2020, with the use of new technologies it will enable our new franchisee’s and existing network the opportunity of additional revenue streams and the combined flexibility to continue to provide great service and results to their customers.

There are great opportunities for us to continually add value to the PRD franchisee’s and their agents across all market segments and we are well placed to take full advantage."  - Todd Hadley, PRD Managing Director.

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